Optimizing Clinical Trial Budgeting
with Clinicubes CTMS

Free webinar

05/10/2022 / 15:00 – 16:00 CEST

Learn best practices for mastering clinical trial
workflows and precise finance tracking

The digital transformation opened many opportunities for optimizing cumbersome processes, minimizing burden, and maximizing the productivity of clinical trial staff. Many clinical trial sites are already realizing the benefits of using comprehensive CTMS. Optimized processes, enhanced efficiency, keeping payments always on time, precise progress, patient visits tracking are just some of them.

In this webinar, you will see best practices for improving finance tracking and enhancing the efficiency of your clinical trial site. Members of Clinicubes’ product management will share their experience and insight into what research sites need to do to take their operations to a new level.

What you will learn:

  • What are the benefits of using CTMS for hospitals conducting clinical trials
  • Best practices for improving your finance tracking and budget proceeding
  • Tips for optimizing daily clinical processes with the help of technology
  • How to improve patient visits scheduling and tracking


Ivailo Ivanov, CTO, BGO Software Speaker:

Ivailo Ivanov CTO of BGO Software

With 22 years of experience in the IT industry, 15 of which within the digital health space, Ivo is one of those inspiring people that truly believe technology can change the world for the better. He is a knowledgeable leader and a true engineering artist, that has a natural talent to help IT professionals reveal their full potential. Ivo is the architect of BGO Software’s products, software development methodologies and good practices, that we employ to deliver premium IT services.

Who Should Attend?

This webinar is suitable for research professionals representing organizations conducting clinical trials including Hospitals, Research Sites, Site Management Organisations (SMOs), etc.

About Clinicubes CTMS

Clinicubes CTMS offers various useful features that help clinical trial sites successfully manage and conduct every aspect and phase of the clinical trial. This clinical trial management system is highly focused on budgeting, finance tracking, and reporting. Furthermore, it tracks different deadlines, schedules visitations, and monitors the whole process resulting in better control of all activities, better team collaboration, and up-to-date access to all required data.